30 October, 2018

BMA comes to the aid of pets and their people in Tuxpan & Tecuala

BMA comes to the aid of pets and their people in Tuxpan
The after-effects of Willa were devastating for many north of us. There was flooding, loss of homes, loss of power and no way in or out for some areas.
We went into action researching the best way to help. BMA voted to contribute 1000 pesos toward dog and cat food. More was donated by individual supporters of BMA. We even hit the streets of Aticama and gathered more funds from 40 people. So we bought and divided pet food into 1 kg bags for easy distribution. Luis of La Placita, Aticama has family in Tuxpan, one of the hardest hit areas of Willa. He and his wife loaded their truck and took the food to families in their grandparent's neighborhood. And more help is on the way! 

Thanks to everyone who helped. In gratitude and goodwill toward pets and people we help where we can.


BMA helps pets in Tecuala too
We gathered more bags of dog food from both Super Kane's in San Blas. The employees helped to bag them in individual 1kg bags with BMA's business card. Many hands make light work and people are willing to help. Another stop for cat food at Aurrera and on to the Garza Canela where the wonderful Vazquez family has opened a donation center.
Many domestic and farm animals have been injured and/or are sick. BMA is also contributing to this effort. Additionally, Medico Dibildox informs us that The Association of Small Species Veterinarians is collecting food and medicine for dogs and cats. In the coming days,they will be in the affected area to provide free deworming and tick control.

Wow! Humans are nice animals too!
Thank you for your money donations at this time. We look for ways to help with oversight and responsibility, making sure that every peso goes to helping victims of hurricane Willa - mil gracias!

14 October, 2018

BMA Spay and Neuter Clinic - October 13, 2018


Mellow, made in the shade day....

What a beautiful day! It was cool for the tropics, all the animals were calm, check-in was smooth and everyone was in fine form. 

Anne may have had a little different experience. She arrived early in the dark, Nena's taxi was waylaid and Kenny came late too...but she made it smooth for the rest of us - thanks Anne.

La Palma had a spay and neuter clinic of their own sponsored by DIF so instead of 6 regular appointments there were only 2. That's ok - we're so glad for the help.

We treated 5 cats - two were pregnant, and 9 dogs, from a tiny grey terrier to a grande tan female.

Trini came in with 2 young pups she rescued in SC. She saw a plastic bag moving in the garbage and discovered them inside. Once fed, they spent the day napping and being pampered. Jenny bathed them and took them home to foster until she finds a forever home for them...what a miracle for those two - from a life of no heart to grand heart. A lesson in what a day can hold - thank you, Trini and Jenny for changing their fate.

Dr. B and Amaranth were dressed to celebrate Halloween and why not?

Anne and Amaranth prepared lunch a day ahead - couscous, stewed vegetables, salad and sourdough. We sat around the table with rollicking pups under our feet in the shade of our tropical courtyard  - one big multi-species family... mellow...

Thanks everyone - working together as friends makes the work a pleasure.

Thank you Dr. B, Ana, Kenny, Anne, Nena, Trini, Amaranth, Jenny, Giles and Wally.

Puppy pampering