18 December, 2019

BMA Clinic Report – December 14, 2019

Published w. translation & pictures on the FB page. 

BMA Clinic Report – December 14, 2019

December's clinic was a day of many blessings - some hidden.
The BMA team is in preparation a week before the clinic. We have to replenish supplies and confirm who will be volunteering and reminding our clients of their appointments. Despite the best laid plans, things change. Feeling pretty confident of what was ahead, I forgot to bring the appointment sheets....so much effort to be efficienct only to be humbled by forgetting the crux of our clinic. No problem, I was 10 minutes late but Nena, Ana and Jenny greeted me with laughter and hugs. 
By 11 am we only had 14 animals. Nine of our appointments didn't show so we announced the availability over the loudspeaker in town and in a few minutes we were up to 21!
The benefits of working as a team is that we share the big jobs.  Many hands make light work.
Yesterday, some people brought in a most pitiful, neglected dog hoping that someone would adopt her and then left her on our doorstep, abandoned by the people who brought her in. 

There was a poodle under there somewhere under an impenetrable mat, an armor of filth, fleas and ticks. She also had an injured leg and paw. It seemed impossible to liberate her but a little army of caregivers hovered over her with scissors, razors and comfort - what a combination!  It took a couple of hours and was a bit of trauma that we all shouldered but we slowly whittled her out of that horrible shell. We found a feather imbedded in the mat as if a bird mistook her for a nest! And there was a nursery of ticks and fleas, flora and fauna. Her ears, legs and tail were so heavy-laden she could move freely. Finally, underneath was a white poodle-dog with trusting eyes and yielding disposition. Who knew? We all loved her and we loved each other too because we saved her together. Katherine took her home to bathe and continue the good care.

And so, we created our own little Christmas story of peace and goodwill. Thank you, each and everyone of you for all that you do for the sake of animals. When we care for the most neglected we do ourselves and the world a favor. Persistence, patience and love can turn the tide.