27 January, 2020

BMA's Silent Auction - January 25, 2020

A fabulous turnout last night for BMA's 10th Annual Silent Auction!
Thank you all who volunteered to help make this event full, rich and fun! And thank you all who came out to support the work of BMA by donating and buying. Looking around the room, feeling the energy of friends - what a beauty-ful community!

13 January, 2020

BMA Clinic Report - January 11, 2020

Our first clinic of 2020 was a record breaker: 30 animals!
It was not our intention to treat so many animals but a succession of decisions kept leading us further down the path of a long day.
We learned a lot: that our best efficiency is when we limit our treatment to 22-25 animals, that we must take good care of one another, not just the animals to make a good clinic and that prioritizing must not be compromised. It is very hard to say "no" but for the good of the most it is necessary.
I have such respect for Nena and Kenny who started and ended the clinic in the dark - more than 12 hours. Nena never lost her smile or willingness to do what was needed.
BMA has outstanding volunteers: Minerva, her niece and Nena had 12 post-op cats to watch over. Jenny, Leslie, Lorraine, spent all afternoon with 18 dogs in succession. That's a lot of up and down, on the ground and running around! And the quality of their attention should be mentioned - each animal is given sensitive attention to their unique characteristics. Barb and Mel came late in the afternoon to give us some relief.
I want to mention Minerva especially because she cleaned the bathroom and mopped the portico, clipped palm branches and kept busy with many things...so thoughtful. She cared for the animals and the ones caring for the animals.
Dr B is always the same: steady, calm, present, and generous - on his feet for 30 straight surgeries.
Ana, always moving, prepped and checked on animals before and after surgery, her eyes are on individual animals through the entire process, beginning to end.
This clinic was tough and humbling. It's not about breaking records, but always to learn and personally grow. BMA is more than a project - it's an alchemy of character, energy and intelligence of volunteers in service to others. Let's take good care of the ones who make our little piece of the world better.