12 December, 2018

BMA Clinic Report- December 8, 2018

It's been a few days since the last clinic. It was a long day that began at 5 for a few of us and ended at 5.

The day was full with extra care needed for a total of 15 dogs and 4 cats - only 3 male dogs, 1 male cat. Surgery takes more time with females. There were 3 pregnancies terminated (17 less homeless), 2 vincristine/cancer treatments, and 3 consultations.

Wow, makes me tired just to remember it - proud too.

Anne and Nena checked in a dozen animals by 7:30. Nena and Trini have been learning all things pertaining to the monthly clinic for the last 6 clinics as BMA anticipates the future. We're so glad they have committed to be a part of the team. It's great to be able to depend on their help.

Kate surprised us with a Christmas dinner: turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and sweet potatoes! Can you imagine anything so wonderful and unexpected? Honestly, it was difficult to push away from the table knowing there were 8 more surgeries ahead but if we hadn't had that lunch it would have been even harder.
Thank you Anne, Nena and Kenny for starting the day early.
Thanks Nena and Trini for cat care - Katherine, Minerva and Amaranth for dog recovery.
Thank you Wally and Gilles for doing all that you do - especially the dirty stuff!
Thank you Dr. B and Ana for 19 surgeries.
Thanks for making it feel like a holiday, Kate.
Well, that's 12 months of clinics! Thanks everyone for making it possible. There are so, so many people - past and present, at the front and behind the scenes, giving hand and heart to this effort. It's been a labor of love that is it's own reward. It feels really good doing it together.

Happy holidays to you!

Informe de la Clínica BMA - 8 de diciembre de 2018

Han pasado unos días desde la última clínica. Fue un día largo que comenzó a las 5 para algunos de nosotros y terminó a las 5.

El día estuvo lleno de cuidados adicionales necesarios para un total de 15 perros y 4 gatos - sólo 3 perros machos, 1 gato macho. La cirugía toma más tiempo con las mujeres. Hubo 3 embarazos interrumpidos (17 menos sin hogar), 2 tratamientos de vincristina/cáncer y 3 consultas.

Guau, me cansa sólo recordarlo, y también me enorgullece.
Anne y Nena registraron una docena de animales a las 7:30. Nena y Trini han estado aprendiendo todo lo relacionado con la clínica mensual durante las últimas 6 clínicas, ya que BMA anticipa el futuro. Estamos muy contentos de que se hayan comprometido a formar parte del equipo. Es estupendo poder contar con su ayuda.
Kate nos sorprendió con una cena de Navidad: pavo, relleno, salsa de arándanos y batatas! ¿Te imaginas algo tan maravilloso e inesperado? Honestamente, fue difícil alejarse de la mesa sabiendo que había 8 cirugías más por delante, pero si no hubiéramos tenido ese almuerzo, habría sido aún más difícil.
Gracias Anne, Nena y Kenny por empezar el día temprano.
Gracias Nena y Trini por el cuidado de los gatos - Katherine, Minerva y Amaranto por la recuperación del perro.
Gracias Wally y Gilles por hacer todo lo que hacen - especialmente las cosas sucias!
Gracias Dr. B y Ana por 19 cirugías.
Gracias por hacer que pareciera una fiesta, Kate.
Bueno, eso son 12 meses de clínicas. Gracias a todos por hacerlo posible. Hay tanta, tanta gente - pasado y presente, al frente y detrás de las escenas, dando la mano y el corazón a este esfuerzo. Ha sido una labor de amor que es su propia recompensa. Se siente muy bien hacerlo juntos.

Felices fiestas!

Traducción realizada con el traductor www.DeepL.com/Translator

11 November, 2018

BMA Clinic Report - Nov 10, 2018

BMA Clinic Report - Nov 10, 2018
(Lea la versión en inglés a continuación)

Feeling great after 10 hours of sleep!
Yesterday was a bit of a long haul but everyone was in good form as usual.
By 7:15 the dogs and their owners were clustered inside the gate in anticipation of the day ahead. Every kennel was full and some had two!
Anne had 22 appointments confirmed but as is usually the case, there were 8 no-shows and 3 walk-ins. It's always a balancing act. In the end we treated 1 male cat, 7 male dogs, and 9 female dogs.
Two male dogs took longer due to having to fish for their testicles...they were hiding.
We treated one female dog for venereal cancer and sterilized another that will need treatment next month. We are beginning to see this communicable form of cancer at each clinic. It must be eradicated. Pets that are free to roam the streets are vulnerable. BMA will rise to the challenge at our next pow-wow. It is part of our mission.
Thanks to Dr. B, Ana and Balthazar for staying steady on task.
Thanks Nena, Anne and Kenny for an early set-up. At least it wasn't black as night!
Thank you Minerva, Trini, Jenny, and Amaranth for dog recovery. Each animal is treated with genuine loving care:  cleaning ears, removing ticks, comforting hallucinations - watching every sign, always watching and reassuring. It may be the best care some dogs will ever have!
Kate is back!!! So we lunched well and re-fueled for 5 more dog surgeries. Kate, always generous to all things BMA - glad you're back in the hood!
Thanks Wally and Gilles for serving us so we can serve animals - un gran beso!

Informe de la clínica BMA - 10 de noviembre de 2018

Sentirse bien después de 10 horas de sueño!
Ayer fue un poco largo, pero todo el mundo estaba en buena forma, como de costumbre.
A las 7:15 los perros y sus dueños estaban agrupados dentro de la puerta en anticipación al día siguiente. Todas las perreras estaban llenas y algunas tenían dos!
Anne tuvo 22 citas confirmadas, pero como suele ser el caso, hubo 8 ausencias y 3 sin cita previa. Siempre es un acto de equilibrio. Al final tratamos 1 gato macho, 7 perros macho y 9 hembras.
Dos perros machos tardaron más por tener que pescar sus testículos....se estaban escondiendo.
Tratamos a una perra por cáncer venéreo y esterilizamos a otra que necesitará tratamiento el próximo mes. Estamos empezando a ver esta forma contagiosa de cáncer en cada clínica. Debe ser erradicada. Las mascotas que son libres de vagar por las calles son vulnerables. BMA aceptará el reto en nuestra próxima asamblea. Es parte de nuestra misión.
Gracias a la Dra. B, Ana y Balthazar por mantenerse firmes en la tarea.
Gracias a Nena, Anne y Kenny por la pronta instalación. ¡Al menos no era tan negro como la noche!
Gracias a Minerva, Trini, Jenny y Amaranth por la recuperación del perro. Cada animal es tratado con un verdadero cuidado amoroso: limpiando los oídos, quitando garrapatas, consolando las alucinaciones - observando cada señal, siempre observando y tranquilizando. Puede que sea el mejor cuidado que algunos perros puedan tener!
¡¡¡¡Kate ha vuelto!!!! Así que almorzamos bien y reabastecimos de combustible para 5 cirugías de perros más. Kate, siempre generosa con BMA, ¡me alegro de que estés de vuelta en el vecindario!
Gracias Wally y Gilles por servirnos para que podamos servir a los animales - un gran beso!

30 October, 2018

BMA comes to the aid of pets and their people in Tuxpan & Tecuala

BMA comes to the aid of pets and their people in Tuxpan
The after-effects of Willa were devastating for many north of us. There was flooding, loss of homes, loss of power and no way in or out for some areas.
We went into action researching the best way to help. BMA voted to contribute 1000 pesos toward dog and cat food. More was donated by individual supporters of BMA. We even hit the streets of Aticama and gathered more funds from 40 people. So we bought and divided pet food into 1 kg bags for easy distribution. Luis of La Placita, Aticama has family in Tuxpan, one of the hardest hit areas of Willa. He and his wife loaded their truck and took the food to families in their grandparent's neighborhood. And more help is on the way! 

Thanks to everyone who helped. In gratitude and goodwill toward pets and people we help where we can.


BMA helps pets in Tecuala too
We gathered more bags of dog food from both Super Kane's in San Blas. The employees helped to bag them in individual 1kg bags with BMA's business card. Many hands make light work and people are willing to help. Another stop for cat food at Aurrera and on to the Garza Canela where the wonderful Vazquez family has opened a donation center.
Many domestic and farm animals have been injured and/or are sick. BMA is also contributing to this effort. Additionally, Medico Dibildox informs us that The Association of Small Species Veterinarians is collecting food and medicine for dogs and cats. In the coming days,they will be in the affected area to provide free deworming and tick control.

Wow! Humans are nice animals too!
Thank you for your money donations at this time. We look for ways to help with oversight and responsibility, making sure that every peso goes to helping victims of hurricane Willa - mil gracias!

14 October, 2018

BMA Spay and Neuter Clinic - October 13, 2018


Mellow, made in the shade day....

What a beautiful day! It was cool for the tropics, all the animals were calm, check-in was smooth and everyone was in fine form. 

Anne may have had a little different experience. She arrived early in the dark, Nena's taxi was waylaid and Kenny came late too...but she made it smooth for the rest of us - thanks Anne.

La Palma had a spay and neuter clinic of their own sponsored by DIF so instead of 6 regular appointments there were only 2. That's ok - we're so glad for the help.

We treated 5 cats - two were pregnant, and 9 dogs, from a tiny grey terrier to a grande tan female.

Trini came in with 2 young pups she rescued in SC. She saw a plastic bag moving in the garbage and discovered them inside. Once fed, they spent the day napping and being pampered. Jenny bathed them and took them home to foster until she finds a forever home for them...what a miracle for those two - from a life of no heart to grand heart. A lesson in what a day can hold - thank you, Trini and Jenny for changing their fate.

Dr. B and Amaranth were dressed to celebrate Halloween and why not?

Anne and Amaranth prepared lunch a day ahead - couscous, stewed vegetables, salad and sourdough. We sat around the table with rollicking pups under our feet in the shade of our tropical courtyard  - one big multi-species family... mellow...

Thanks everyone - working together as friends makes the work a pleasure.

Thank you Dr. B, Ana, Kenny, Anne, Nena, Trini, Amaranth, Jenny, Giles and Wally.

Puppy pampering

31 August, 2018

Happy Birthday sweet Scar

On  the eve of my special Mexican friend, Scarletta’s 10th birthday, I am reminiscing about the times we have shared together and the love that we have enjoyed for all these years.

I know that those of you who have been lucky enough to be “chosen” by one of these amazing canine friends, will relate to my comments and hopefully be reminded of your intertwined journeys.

There are so many joys that come with sharing your life with an orphaned dog especially those from Mexico.

There are no words to describe the unconditional love that bonds you “two” together.  Many pet owners believe that they too have experienced this kind of “love” but when you pick an animal up from the streets with only hours left in their body, save them from being run over by a vehicle after they’ve been tossed like garbage onto the road, saved them from another day of “starvation” on the streets, snatched them up from an abusive home where there is no hope or taken them home after they’ve been treated by the wonderful staff of our local clinic......that’s when you really know “unconditional love” in it’s purest form. 

Not a single day will pass when you are not “thanked” by them for literally saving them from death. 

Most of us who belong to this “elite” group have stories of heroism, often putting their own lives on the line in the face of home break-ins, perceived danger to “their” family and intruders.  Most of these appreciative animals would die for us.

They seem to have their own special “secret” voice inside.  They have their own unique way of making their needs known to you.  They have a “whisper” that is only theirs and once you embrace these special creatures, you are able to understand exactly what they want.

Every scrap of food, every crumb, every treat is savoured and enjoyed.  No matter what is served, it’s “good”.  

Every so often you catch these special friends with a smile on their face, when they run “untethered” on a walk, deeking in and around you as they savour their freedom and good health.

There isn’t an “arrogant” bone in their bodies.  When I am asked what my dog’s name is and I reply “Scarletta”.....I often see broad smiles and a comment like “That’s a fancy name for ......”.  I often finish their sentence, “a plain little street urchin?”  Then we laugh together.  When she showed up at our gate 9 1/2 years ago, she had barely a day of life left in her.  We truly believed that she would not be with us for many days, however her resilience and determination proved us wrong.  We immediately started calling her “Scar Face” which was not at all a very attractive name for a family pet.  When we realized within days that she was a ‘fighter” and was going to make it, her name quickly became “Scarletta”....but to us she is just “Scar” in deference to the “wounds & reminders” that lurk under her gorgeous black coat. 

These wonderful fur friends come in so many varied shapes and sizes.  As unique as their sweet souls.  We were often asked by passers by.....”Just what kind of dog is that?”  My late husband Sam always had the perfect comeback....”She’s a Mexican hybrid.”   Yup....they sure are !!!  They are a wonderful mixture of all that is good and strong and beautiful. 

We are the truly blessed ones who are allowed to take this amazing journey of hope and love with these special animals.  

One of the greatest joys ....”benefits”,  is getting to chose the birth day of your friend.  Scar’s is September 1st....so I would always be able to remember.

So here’s to all the special hounds who have blessed our lives, have changed our lives and inevitably made our lives so much better.

Although my days in Mexico are now behind me,  every time I look down on my two special friends, Scar & Tamale...I think of all that is good and amazing about Mexico.  Thank you to each and everyone of you who have allowed one of these blessed gifts into your homes and hearts and please continue to support the efforts of the Matanchen Bay Animals, as they care and rescue these abandoned gifts. 

Happy Birthday sweet Scar......love you to the stars and back.

Oxox.  Teresa. (Dunnigan) in Canada.

27 August, 2018

¡Conviertete en el primer acompañante de BMA!

Nos renovamos para traerte la mejor subasta silenciosa; estamos festejando nuestro 9no aniversario.

La temática de este año es “Piratas por las mascotas”
Ofrecemos pases VIP para nuestros “primeros acompañantes”

Por $500 (presupuesto del costo de una esterilización a un animal), un “primer acompañante” recibirá:

  • 2 pases para bebidas( canjeables en el bar)
  • Bocadillos gratis de 4:30 pm hasta agotar
  • Autorizacion de entrada para ver los artículos antes de que abran el salón, de 4:30-5:00 pm
  • La exclusividad de conocer y convivir con la presidenta municipal Candy Yescas de 4:30-5:00 pm
¡Visita nuestra pagina de Pay Pal, si te gustaría ser un “primer acompañante” y también dar un poquito mas de ayuda a nuestros compañeros los animales!

24 August, 2018

Become a BMA First Mate!

ALL NEW for the 9th Annual BMA Silent Auction! 

In keeping with this year's theme, "Pirates for Pets," we are offering special VIP tickets, "BMA First Mates."

For $500 MXN (the average cost of one animal sterilization), a First Mate will receive:

  • 2-drink tickets (redeemable at the bar)
  • Free snacks from 4:30pm (as long as they last)
  • Early viewing of Auction items 4:30pm-5:00pm
  • Exclusive meet-n-greet with our special guest, the Mayor of San Blas, Señora Candy Yescas, 4:30pm-5:00pm

Please visit our PayPal donation page if you'd like to be a BMA First Mate and do a little extra in helping an animal shipmate!

15 August, 2018

BMA Clinic Report - August 11, 2018

BMA August Clinic Report - August 11, 2018

Before 8 am, Anne and Trini had checked in 18 animals! Seemed like we were good for the day, but then there's Katherine... she reminds us there are always more. 

In the end we treated 7 cats and 15 dogs.

Can you imagine how it used to be before BMA? It was enough to wrench hearts and activate good people to do something. There's a little peace on earth when it includes healthy, happy, animal- companions in our communities.

Audrey, another one of our animal angels, spent some time with us yesterday. She brought dogs and a cat from our neighboring pueblo, La Palma. A couple from San Blas brought in 3 large dogs, 75 kilos altogether, all adopted from the street - that's what you call "a whole lotta love..."

August was bearable thanks to two new fans and a/c in our surgical room. Thank you Barb and Loren for donating the air conditioner and shade cloth. And thank you Leon and Jorge for the installation. We can all work and recover better with these improvements thanks to you!

Christina brought us a vegetarian feast that renewed our energies midday. This volunteer offering is by far the most appreciated by the team!  To take a break around the table, laughing and sharing stories, eating homemade goodness and drinking lemongrass iced tea...well, it makes the clinic a picnic!  Thank you, Christina for contributing to that special experience.

Anne and Kenny started the day at 6:30, a 12 hour effort taking care of all the details of set-up and take-down. This gives the structure that our whole day depends on. Mil gracias!

Thanks to Trini, Katherine, Jenny, Nena and Amaranth for animal recovery.

And to Dr. B. and Ana, our excellent surgical team.

Great job, great day, great team!