18 September, 2020

BMA Clinic - September 12, 2020

Yesterday's clinic had many challenges, but in the end everything turned out. Atleast that's what I heard, I wasn't there.

Ana, with her new prosthesis, was there early to open.  When Wally saw her he took her into his arms for a dance! We are so happy to see how well she has come along in this remarkable recovery that we all want to dance with her! Thank you to everyone who particated in bringing this into reality! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I was at home unable to walk or move my head due to  vertigo. Ana said, 'no problem' and she took the bull by the horns, managing the whole of the clinic. That's a heck of a task when you have a new leg and a day full of surgeries. But she has been through many clinics and knows what it takes in every department.

By 7:30 the clinic was open and taking in cats while Dr B. was stuck on the autopista with a car that wouldn't run. I don't know how that story turned out, but he arrived at 11 and surgery began. The final count: 15 cats, 14 females, 1 male and 8 dogs, 3 males and 5 females, for a total of 23. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. considering the late start and with the electricity blinking off and on.

A big debt of gratitude to everyone who stayed late to finish: Dr B., Ana, Minerva, Shunashi, Kenny, Leslie, Hiromi and Bill. Ana, Kenny and Minerva put in a 13+ hour day! Leslie, Hiromi and Bill wouldn't leave till the last animal was picked up. Thank you Barb and Trilby for checking in and supporting the team. Even Anne in Canada was supportive in guidance by phone. Thank you Christina for a delicious break in the long day. Everyone raves over your lunches. I hope you readers realize what dedication there is here. People who love like this are our everyday heroes who in the end will save the world!

This team is tight! Working with the same people every month and knowing each other so well that we can move together as one - HEY,  we are dancing!

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