25 April, 2021

April showers... BMA Clinic April 2021

A pelican walked casually by the clinic gates. That's not the usual traffic. Later, Wally saved the pedestrian pelican from boys who were trying to herd her/him? with rocks toward a boy with a lasso...ay Dios mio! He brought him to the clinic and put him in the brand new plastic dog kennel that Lorraine donated. Hiromi contacted Mark Stackhouse our local bird expert and he recommended Susane Casas, a pelican rehabilitator and vet in Tepic. Sandra talked to her and arranged a meeting. We took Peli home and fed him 5 whole fish over the weekend. The chickens were nonplussed by the guest. On Monday, Miguel Dibildox and Susane performed the surgery to repair the wing and Peli went home with Susane to recover. Prognosis: excellent! A beautiful orchestration of many helpful animal lovers along the way...thank you everyone!

So, the April clinic rained cats and dogs and a pelican!
9 cats (3 males)
17 dogs (3 males)
1 pelicano ?

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