29 July, 2018

Summer school program at the Cultural Center

Josephine and Beatrice - volunteer teachers 
This year we were blessed to have extra help in every area of summer school and it was the best summer school yet!  Our scholarship recipients helped in registration, more moms were on hand and we had 5 volunteer teachers!  

Audrey and Roberto of ACA, gave a drug prevention presentation for the older kids. 

All in all, it was a richer, fuller experience for everyone involved, not just the children.

Giles created a panoramic mural that gave us a head start to inspire us with the theme of this year: Mi maravilloso mar - My wonderful ocean! 

In Aticama, the ocean is literally at our feet but for the children it may have been the first time to consider it as a portal to the world.  Each day we studied some aspect of the ocean, from the tiniest organism to the largest animal on the planet and the endless variety of marine life.  We studied the coral reefs - that incredible and delicate nursery to millions of species of fish and plants. We looked at how the ocean affects the weather all over the earth as we experienced it first hand with record high heat and thunderstorms. Finally, we  looked at trade - how the ocean is the biggest road connecting us to the coasts of all the continents and bringing us every commodity imaginable.

Armando, Regis and Yamida
Each day the children added their drawings of fish, coral, sharks, whales, boats, etc. to a mural of their own. At the top are cut outs representing each child symbolizing their relationship to the marvelous ocean.

Moises in rapt attention

The star and mascot of our theme was the octopus. This invertebrate is intelligent, adaptable, sensitive, efficient and has three hearts! We need a creature with a lot of heart to symbolize what is really needed to take care of each other, the ocean and the planet.  We will need those qualities of intelligence and sensitivity if we are to adapt to the changes that await us.

There is really only one great ocean. That vast body of water connects us to everything and everyone and that was probably the most important thing shared - what we all have in common.

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